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IDCXPrintImageBox Interface Reference

This interface is used for setting attributes of an image box on a printed film. More...

Inherits IDispatch.


IMAGE_SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL SamplesPerPixel [get, set]
 Samples Per Pixel.
IMAGE_PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION PhotometricInterpretation [get, set]
 Photometric Interpretation.
IMAGE_PLANAR_CONFIGURATION PlanarConfiguration [get, set]
 Planar Configuration.
int Rows [get, set]
int Columns [get, set]
BSTR PixelAspectRatio [get, set]
 Pixel Aspect Ratio.
IMAGE_BITS_ALLOCATED BitsAllocated [get, set]
 Bits Allocated.
IMAGE_BITS_STORED BitsStored [get, set]
 Bits Stored.
IMAGE_HIGH_BIT HighBit [get, set]
 High Bit.
IMAGE_PIXEL_REPRESENTATION PixelRepresentation [get, set]
 Pixel Representation.
__int3264 PixelDataPtr [get, set]
 Pixel Data Pointer.
int ImagePosition [get, set]
 Image Position. More...
PRINT_COLOR_SPACE ColorSpace [get, set]

Detailed Description

This interface is used for setting attributes of an image box on a printed film.

Image Box Properties.

Property Documentation

◆ ColorSpace


Set/get Image box type By default the image box is grayscale To prevent errors, use the PrintPage's GetImageBox method instead of creating the image box by it's own

◆ ImagePosition

int IDCXPrintImageBox::ImagePosition

Image Position.

Image position is a 1 based index to the image boxes on the printed film. For example, if a page layout is 2x2 then the image positions will be 1,2,3 and 4 starting at the upper left corner and advancing right and down.