Deprecated List
Member IDCXOBJ::ReadBuffer ([in] int buffer, [in]long length)
See ReadBufferEx
Member IDCXREQ::SendMPPSNCreateRequest ([in] BSTR callingTitle, [in] BSTR calledTitle, [in] BSTR host, [in] unsigned short port, [in] IDCXOBJ *obj)
The MPPS N-CREATE is now implemented by IDCXREQ::MPPS_Create() and MPPS N-SET by IDCXREQ::MPPS_Set()
Member IDCXREQ::SendMPPSNSetRequest ([in] BSTR callingTitle, [in] BSTR calledTitle, [in] BSTR host, [in] unsigned short port, [in] IDCXOBJ *obj)
The MPPS N-CREATE is now implemented by MPPS_Create and IDCXREQ::MPPS N-SET by IDCXREQ::MPPS_Set
Member rzdcxLib::IDCXREQEvents::OnMoveResponseRecieved (VARIANT_BOOL succeeded)

This method is no longer called in version or later. See OnMoveResponseRecievedEx To stop a running C-MOVE command by sending a C-CANCEL command to the SCP return a failed HRESULT (e.g. E_ABORT) status from the callback implementation or simply throw an exception.